Published to coincide with a comprehensive exhibition of his paintings at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity in late 2023, Wong Yankwai’s book of 25 loosely connected short stories is part memoir and part simple observation. Uppermost, it is contemplative: the writer musing, often cigarette in hand on a street corner, or on his walks to and then back from buying a packet of cigarettes or food at the market, featuring his wry surveillance of the changing streetscape and conversations with fellow street-habitués. Each story is complemented by two accompanying landscape-format photographs placed vertically underneath each other, a format that is also regularly seen on his personal Facebook page. They are not quite a diptych and not quite a sequence. But they are matched, sometimes perfectly, like a mirror image, often quietly dissimilarly – but usually the two photographs bounce together with a similar playfulness. For example, on page 67, two scenes look directly along …
Bing Bing 7
‘Round About Midnight 19
雨潺潺 23
Pitter Patter Goes the Rain 29
瞓𥱊枕屐 33
Sleeping On the Clog 39
白兮兮 43
Pale White 49
喧巴嘈閉 53
Hullabaloo 59
一箭之遙 63
A Stone’s Throw Away 69
輕歌曼舞 73
Tripping the Light Fantastic 79
風吹草低 83
Grass Lies Low When the Wind Blows 89
It’s Only Water 101
聲東擊西 103
Surround Sound 109
夜裏的虹 113
Neon Nocturne 119
飄移的帆 123
Sails Adrift 129
一粥一飯 133
Our Daily Rice 139
舉頭三呎 143
Six Feet Above 149
熟口熟面 153
At Face Value 159
移形換影 163
Shapeshifting 169
話分兩頭 173
Cross Cutting 179
梅花點點 183
Speckles 189
High Road, Low Road 199
背山面海 203
Facing the Tides 209
一宿無話 213
Run-of-the-Mill 219
暮色四合 223
Twilight Zone 229
Visiting Someone 241
兩面牆的兩面 247 101
Two Sides of Two Walls 255
//翻開《天一半地一半》,引人注目的是標題的俗語英譯,「三更半夜」譯成 “‘Round About Midnight”,「喧巴嘈閉」譯成 “Hullabaloo”,不直譯更顯雙語玩味。他分享最早接觸的方言入文是七十年代的臺灣作品,「有些作品刻意用方言寫成,當時我沒有看個明白,要憑上文下理推斷」,當時失利的國民黨以國語政策鞏固自身權力,「使你覺得講鄉下話是一種罪,這是一種挺霸道的文化操作,即使英國治港也不至如此。」在現今世代,以粵語入文,是延續香港研究的重要語料,也是保育語言的手段,黃仁逵卻看出是一種反抗,「就如上海、廣州的小孩回到學校只能說普通話,便少了說方言,證明有種語言正在取代母語,而這是有組織的策略——人們感到壓迫才會起身保護粵語。」//
四百擊以後,創作就是我一生中的蠢事——訪黃仁逵新書《天一半地一半》| 虛詞無形 | 2024/03/15