27位香港藝術家 × 西西 另類動物書寫 × Jeniffer Freeley美國譯者協會Lucien Stryk翻譯大獎得主
Most of Xi Xi’s animal poems featured here are new works written during the past few years. Full of whimsical ideas, they embody the notion of “all humans are siblings, and all things are companions,” brimming with warmth and compassion. These poems could be described as bright and cheerful, approachable, clever and fluid, humourous, and deep with meaning, written as though the author is able to directly communicate with animals. Overall, they serve as a voice for animals, showing that they are able to coexist equally and peacefully, resulting in a “carnival of animals.” More than twenty young Hong Kong artists and illustrators have been invited to join this project, with each poem accompanied by different illustrations, their styles of illustration totally distinct, not limited to any particular form, presenting multiple heterogeneities.
Reading Xi Xi’s poetry and seeing the artists’ interpretations, coupled with the reader’s own imagination and understanding, results in a polyphony of various voices—this is how literature and art should be. Xi Xi’s works are widely read throughout the Sinophone world and have won numerous awards. She is the first Sinophone Hong Kong writer to win a major international poetry prize, including the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature in the United States and the Cikada Prize in Sweden. This poetry collection follows in the footsteps of her unique books The Teddy Bear Chronicles and Chronicles of Apes and Monkeys, demonstrating another kind of animal writing.
This book is suitable for young readers, as well as adults who appreciate literature and art.
前言/何福仁 7 Preface to Carnival of Animals /Ho Fuk-yan
譯者鳴謝 11 Translator’s Acknowledgements
失去猛獁象的語言 14 The Lost Language of the Mammoth
大公雞 16 The Large Rooster
壁虎 18 The Gecko
長臂猿 20 The Gibbon
可怕的動物 24 Scary Animals
想像的動物 26 The Imaginary Animal
牠住在五星級酒店 30 It Lives in a Five-Star Hotel
羊駝 32 The Alpaca
朋友的貓 35 My Friend’s Cat
什麼也不是的動物 36 The Animal That Wasn’t Anything
水母與蛞蝓 38 The Jellyfish and the Slug
熊出遊 40 A Bear Goes Travelling
我不和你比 42 I Won’t Compete with You
暖巢 44 Warm Nest
狒狒 48 The Baboon
懶猴 50 The Slow Loris
故宮貓保安 54 The Forbidden City Security Guard Cat
故宮貓看星 56 The Cat in the Forbidden City Gazes at Stars
北極熊 58 The Polar Bear
金絲猴 60 The Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
美麗的動物 62 Beautiful Animals
貓會生氣 64 The Cat Would Be Angry
動物嘉年華 66 Carnival of Animals
譯者注釋 79 Translator’s Notes
插畫師簡介 81 Illustrators’ Bios